Fondsfrauen Awards 2023
Die Gewinner wurden am 16.Oktober 2023 bekannt gegeben.

Fondsfrauen Award

Zum fünften Mal zeichneten wir Frauen, Männer und Unternehmen aus, die sich besonders für Gender Diversity in der Fonds- und Finanzbranche einsetzen. Den „Company of the Year“ Award erhalten Firmen, die eine Vorreiterrolle in Sachen Diversität übernommen haben. Als „Role Model of the Year“ zeichnen wir Frauen und Männer aus, die in unserer Branche Vorbilder für Geschlechtervielfalt sind. „Woman of the Year“ wird die Frau, die mit herausragender beruflicher Leistung ein Zeichen für andere setzt. „Fondsmanagerin of the Year“ erhält die Frau, die eine ausgezeichnete Performance für ihr Produkt aufweisen kann. Neu war unser Award „Rising Talent“ für die herausragenden Talente von morgen!

Die Gewinner des Fondsfrauen Awards 2023 wurden am 16. Oktober bekannt gegeben. Wir freuen uns aufs nächste Jahr!


Der Fondsfrauen Award wurde in den folgenden Kategorien verliehen:

Company of the Year

We are looking for the company in the asset management and financial sector that has been the most ambitious with the promotion of women in the past year. For example, through in-house programmes, targeted training, promotion of young talents, changed job advertisements, equal pay policies or a new corporate culture.

Woman of the Year

We want to recognize successful women for their outstanding achievements.
Women who demonstrate entrepreneurial success as top performers, e.g. sales increases, mergers or repositioning of companies, implementation of strategically important projects or similar.

Fondsmanagerin of the Year

Female Fund Manager of the Year (F)

We are looking for the Female Fund Manager of the Year. She should have competitive and excellent performance, whether in a mutual fund, ETF, managed mandates or other fund structures. She should have successfully launched an innovative strategy or generated sustainable inflows for it.

Role Model of the Year (M/F/D)

The nominees are role models who have made a strong contribution to the advancement of women in the past year.

Whether it is public appearances, articles, support at events, the introduction of special programmes in their own company or mentoring: we are looking for a person who takes their role as a role model seriously and actively contributes to promoting women and bringing them into leadership positions. Nominations are also open to people who can be an inspiration to the next generation and inspire more women to join our industry.

Rising Talent

Rising Talent (F)

Young female talents are the managers of tomorrow. We therefore want to recognise women who have chosen a career in asset management and have already achieved success within their first five years of work. Whether they have shown assertiveness, shone through innovations or ways of improving their work area or shown commitment beyond their company. Nominations are especially open to talents from the areas of sales and portfolio management.

Die Nominierungsphase für das Jahr 2023 ist beendet. Wir danken allen Einsendungen!

In media cooperation with
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The jury consists of the founders of Fondsfrauen, the renowned Prof. Dr. Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi and the editor of FONDS professionell, Hans Heuser. Together we will carefully read through all applications and determine the winners.

Find more about Fondsfrauen here.

Prof. Dr. Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi

Holder of the Chair for General Business Administration and Corporate Governance at the University of Mannheim

Hans Heuser

Publisher of FONDS professionell & editor-in-chief of Institutional Money

Anne E. Connelly

More about us

Anke Dembowski

More about us

Manuela Fröhlich

More about us



Wir gratulieren den Gewinnern und Gewinnerinnen unseres Fondsfrauen Awards 2023.

Here you can find all the information about the nominees and winners, including photos:


FONDS professionell


Preisvergabe Fondsfrauen Gipfel 2023
Foto Copyright: FONDSprofessionell/Christoph Hemmerich


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